Ukraine holds talks with the EU and the US to renew air travel

Ukraine is initiating a dialogue with representatives of the European Union and the USA to resume international air travel, Oleksandr Kubrakov – Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine, Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine said in a recent interview.
What are the updates on air travel?

  • Ukraine is sharing with international regulators its vision of the functioning of the aviation market during martial law, including an assessment of potential risks and proposed strategies to minimise them.
  • Ukraine receives consultations from Israel, a state with experience of efficient airport operations during martial law
  • Three national Ukrainian airlines and European airlines, such as Ryanair, are actively negotiating their return to the market.

Earlier, it was reported that the renewal of civil aviation flights over Ukraine will be considered only after the risks are reduced to an acceptable level in accordance with international safety standards. The State Aviation Service of Ukraine is analysing the parts of the airspace where safe flights can be conducted. Then the airports located in these safe zones will be assessed.
Various airline experts agree with Rostylav Shurma, a representative of the Office of the President of Ukraine, saying that Ukraine is actively working to restore flights from Kyiv and Lviv.

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